How would you play these Challenging Jacks or Better hands?
Take our Jacks or Better Test and pretend that you were dealt these five-card hands. Which cards would you hold? Compare your decision against the correct hold/discard strategy under each hand
In the Jacks or Better test, we show you the recommended cards to hold.
In the below scenarios we present possible hands dealt on the first round. Do you know what cards to hold and what to discard?

Above hand is often debated
You may feel tempted to hold the 4 clubs and go for the straight. To do that you would discard a guaranteed win. Plus reduce the chances slightly of getting the third jack while destroying the win. Keep the win.

Emotions can work against you
While you may disagree slightly on a few of the scenarios, do not let emotions get in the way. Solid consistent game play on choices of hold card will win you more over the long term.
We hope you learned some skill with our Jacks or Better Test.
Conclusion on the Jacks or Better Test
Learning to play a tighter game of video poker can pay big dividends in more jackpots and a more consistent win ratio. Often it is not only the big wins that keep the bankroll healthy. It is getting the pair, 2 pair an d 3 of a kind more consistently that allow you to enjoy the big wins even more.